The Creative Process
There are several key components that make for a successful government contractor in the creative services industry. We’ve been winning and executing government campaigns for over 20 years, so we’ve picked up a thing or two about it along the way.
Much of what we’ve learned comes from experience with our own subcontractors. If they’re prepared and qualified, they become part of the team, and we can move on quickly to our goals of changing the world. If they’re not both of those things, they aren’t a good match.
We love to review portfolios of our creative colleagues. But those with expertise in government contracting need to show us more than talent alone. Key elements that make for a good government contract also include prepared case studies, honed methodologies and approaches, research-driven interpretations, and detailed record keeping of campaign results.
Our success with government contracting is because we’re prepared with all of the elements that convert proposal writing to proposal winning. Our Creative Process includes methodologies for research development, strategic planning, creative design and review, and launch analytics. Those processes break down further into specific communications such as social media planning, translation/transcreation services, and video/animation development. And we are armed with prepared Case Studies organized by initiative and media upon request.
These characteristics make us strong team members for others who seek talented and prepared creative government contractors. It’s what we look for in potential partnerships as well.

Prepared for Government Contracting
Looking for something specific? We love developing new partnerships, and are fully prepared to assist with you with your proposal requirements. Let us know what areas of expertise you need support with and we’ll send you proposal-formatted case studies for your consideration.